Finding The Right 3PL Partner For Your Clothing Brand

  • Feb 15 ,2023
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  • by AWL India Pvt. Ltd.
Finding The Right 3PL Partner For Your Clothing Brand

With the rise of technology and computer systems came solutions that let warehouse managers find, manage, and schedule their warehouses. This led to the expansion of e-commerce spaces. It was clear that technology had streamlined processes, enhanced inventory performance, and sped up reaction times. With a heads-up display, augmented reality is a solution that further simplifies operations. By offering interactive 3D visualisation, quick object tracking, inventory accounting, and automation, AR helps streamline the supply chain process. Additionally, augmented reality glasses may make it simple for managers to move about the warehouse, assign resources, and find important information that can save expenses.

What is Augmented Reality in Clothing Warehouse Management Systems? 

Managers and employees will be able to inspect the warehouse layout and see whether any adjustments or experiments are possible by donning augmented reality glasses thanks to technology. This is a fantastic resource for gathering thorough data and making judgements on any inventory adjustments or enhancements. It allows logistics firms to plan and replan warehouses with a great deal less time, money, and effort. The software that powers such a gadget analyses the item in the line of sight and displays the relative content about the thing. Imagine having a mixed reality and communication device that connects the fictitious and actual worlds.

Benefits of Augmented Reality in Clothing Warehouse Picking 

Organisations are eager to develop frameworks that boost warehouse management success with digitalization and reliable KPIs. A hands-free technology that helps to give quality of control with error-free vision is warehouse picking based on AR vision. Its use in inventory management is a major advantage as opposed to the paper-based, time-consuming, and expensive training of older approaches. AR enables remote management and digital oversight of inventories.

1. Improve efficiency 

Order choosing is one of the most expensive chores; getting the appropriate product from the right section in the right amount is a hard-shell game. Mobile devices and augmented reality headsets direct employees to the best potential pick areas in the quickest amount of time. Visual recognition AR technologies will aid in identifying and verifying the merchandise. Automation takes over when the choice is finished, updating the entire system and logging the activities.

2. Reduction In Picking Errors 

With augmented reality, the employee is directed around the warehouse to the correct item. Warehouse picking is always prone to mistakes. The item's barcode is scanned by the smart glass as an authentication factor. This reduces the severity of mistakes, enhances system accuracy, and speeds up procedures. Automation also fully replaces automated item tracking, preserving accuracy and relevance based on a real-time flow of inventory data, enhancing visibility and quality control of your warehouse operations.

3. Hands-Free Experience for Pickers 

The solutions allow the employee to choose things while keeping their hands free because the list is shown in the headsets. Additionally, as each item is chosen, the system uses optical barcode readers to confirm that it is the right thing and informs the employee of the next logical item to choose. The employee is able to operate effectively and hassle-free as a consequence, preserving system correctness and reducing mobility within the warehouse. The safety index is raised and lengthier processes actually benefit from being hands-free.

4. Employee Monitoring and Training 

With the aid of augmented reality glasses, new hires may participate in virtual orientation and training sessions. Making them acclimated to business procedures can facilitate a smooth onboarding process and enhance team cooperation. They can practise several times thanks to this interactive learning method without hindering or delaying currently underway activities. To increase their attention and prevent any mistakes in warehouse operations, employees might also be watched.

5. Storage planning 

Warehouse operations must be organised to maximise efficiency for any firm to succeed. Warehouse managers are now able to design and test their procedures thanks to smart eyewear and data-driven automation. To put it more precisely, the execution of normal activities depends heavily on the product inspection, allocation, assembly, packing, dispatching, creation of a thorough warehousing plan, and viability testing. It also provides additional value-added services that exchange information and keep tabs on all activities to guarantee proper service delivery.

6. Industry Case Studies 

In order to encourage incentive and cost optimization, contemporary businesses always strive to enhance warehouse operations, supply chains, Cold Chain Warehouse and distribution networks. Numerous logistical and management issues can be resolved using augmented reality technology. Automated systems can alert employees to innovate, increase efficiency, and decrease mistakes based on historical data.

7. Inventory Management 

Due to the ongoing difficulties and slowness of manual inventory management solutions, augmented reality glasses can streamline stock operations for better supply chain performance. With these tools, workers may efficiently gaze at a variety of goods as the smart glasses scan and record these barcodes. Once instructions have been recorded, the group may quickly and precisely sort the things according to the instructions. Integrating inventory optimization with current ERP systems will make it easier for all staff members to access the new data and share it.


The key to increasing corporate performance is implementing agile working practises. By bringing about changes in the business at a worldwide level, AR solutions will soon become the new norm; big data and AI are essential for warehouse-related activities. The items' quality will increase and they will become more well-known on the market as businesses become more conscious of them and try to optimise processes. Moreover, AWL India is one of the leading logistics and warehouse service providers in the country. AWL India suggests using Augmented Reality for warehouse picking as it can increase the overall efficiency of your warehousing operations and can increase the profit margins.

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